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How To Use DI PVC Fittings?

May 12, 2018

DI PVC Fittings are designed to supply the greatest possible balance of strength, ductility, impact, and rust resistance. DI PVC Fittings are made for ductile iron. These fittings are intended for use on ductile iron pipe and steel pipe at subterranean water heaters, irrigation systems, and sewage force mains.

1. During the installation process, the Tyton Joint Ductile Iron Pipe should be flush with the DI PVC fittings section. After the tube is broken, it should be ground flush on the grinding wheel and other tools to remove the burrs, clean it and blow it with high-pressure air.

2. It is prohibited to add seals and other fillers. The sealant can easily be flushed into the tube, causing blockages and other failures.

3. DI Fittings for PVC Pipes and tyton joint ductile iron pipes should be provided with sufficient deformation margins to avoid stretching and extrusion deformation.

DI PVC Fittings

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